Blue card resources for individuals
We have created the following resources to support your understanding of how the blue card system works and how to access online and offline blue card services.
These resources are intended to complement the information on this website.
How the blue card system works
- Fact sheet: Difference between working with children check and police checks
- How the blue card system keeps your children safe
- Video: Overview of the blue card system
Find out more about how the blue card system works.
Do you need a blue card
- Fact sheet: Restricted person and restricted employment explained for individuals
- Video: Who cannot apply for a blue card
Find out more information to determine if you need a blue card.
Blue card applications
- Fact sheet: Application process for applicants applying online and offline
- Fact sheet: Multiservice business operators and board member requirements
- Video: How to apply for a blue card as a business operator
- Video: How to apply for a blue card as a job seeker
- Video: How to apply for a blue card as a student or volunteer
- Video: How to apply for an exemption card
- Video: How to register for an online account using the online applicant portal
- Video: Interstate applicants applying for a CRN using a remote pack for their blue card application
- Video: Overseas applicants applying for a CRN using a remote pack for their blue card application
- Video: Things you need to know before applying for a blue card
Find out more about the blue card application process.
Existing blue card holders
- Fact sheet: Application process for card holders renewing online or offline
- Video: How to change your name online
- Video: How to replace your card if it is lost or stolen
- Video: How to transfer your volunteer card to a paid card
- Video: How to update your contact details online
- Video: Rights and obligations for individuals
- Video: Processing timeframes for blue card applications
- Video: The importance of renewing your card on time to continue in working in child-related regulated employment or business
- Video: Tips on transferring from a volunteer to paid employment
- Video: What the blue card check entails
Find out more if you are an existing blue card holder.
More information
- Approval to contact Blue Card Services
- Approval to discuss confidential information with Blue Card Services
- Discover resources in your language to help you understand the blue card system and how to use the online applicant portal
- Existing customer/Digital photo and signature remote application (for agency card) form (F5399)
- Find resources to help organisations understand the blue card system
- Find resources to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland to access blue card services
- Getting a Customer Reference Number or updating your photo remotely for your blue card application
- Lifeline flyer provides crisis support options if you are overwhelmed by the application process
- New customer/photo and signature remote application (for agency card) form (F5342)
- Your digital photo...The right way for applicants applying using a remote pack